/manager/Index en-au 5 Assessment of runup predictions by empirical models on non-truncated beaches on the south-east Australian coast /manager/Repository/uon:34300 2%) and maximum runup (Rmax) were highly variable between models, with predictions shown to vary by a factor of 1.5 for the same incident wave conditions. No single model provided the best predictions on all beaches in the dataset. Overall, model root mean square errors are of the order of 25% of the R2% value. Models for R2% derived from field data were shown to be more accurate for predicting runup in the field than those developed from laboratory data, which overestimate the field data significantly. The most accurate existing models for predicting R2% were those developed by Holman [12] and Vousdoukas et al. [40], with mean RMSE errors of 0.30 m or 25%. A new model-of-models for R2% was developed from a best fit to the predictions from six existing field and one large scale laboratory R2% data-derived models. It uses the Hunt [17] scaling parameter tanβ√H₀L₀ and incorporates a setup parameterisation. This model is shown to be as accurate as the Holman and Vousdoukas et al. models across all tidal stages. It also yielded the smallest maximum error across the dataset. The most accurate predictions for Rmax were given by Hunt [17] but this tended to under predict the observed maximum runup obtained for 15-min records. Mase's [22] model has larger errors but yielded more conservative estimates. Greater observed values of Rmax are expected with increased record length, leading to greater differences in predicted values. Given the large variation in predictions across all models, however, it is clear that predictions by uncalibrated runup models on a given beach may be prone to significant error and this should be considered when using such models for coastal management purposes. It should be noted that in extreme events, which are lacking in the dataset, runup may be truncated by beach scarps, cliffs, and dunes, or may overtop, and as a result, the probability density functions will have different tail shapes. The uncertainty already present in current models is likely to increase in such conditions.]]> Tue 26 Feb 2019 14:15:34 AEDT ]]> Blast-load variability and accuracy of blast-load prediction models /manager/Repository/uon:9117 Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:39:22 AEDT ]]> Blast load variability and accuracy of blast load prediction models /manager/Repository/uon:10932 Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:13:21 AEDT ]]>